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Home » It’s been 50 years and yet we do only TWO things?

It’s been 50 years and yet we do only TWO things?

Yes. And, we like it that way. It demonstrates our focus and commitment to build expertise in our niche, and be the world’s best.

The TWO things we do:
1. Enable our audiences to take informed decisions related to technology
2. Enable marketers to communicate with these decision makers and decision influencers

So, what did we do over the last 50 years? Good question. We’ve focused on expanding our audiences and the means to reach out to them. Here’s a broad overview of what’s kept us busy…

  1. We enlarged the eco-systems that our audiences are part of.
    We started with the electronics eco-system. Then, we started engaging audiences from the IT (open source) eco-system. Recently, we further expanded our connect with the IoT eco-system. And, now we are in the process of building a relationship with the business community of ACE (appliances & consumer electronics) sector.
  2. We enlarged our audiences within these eco-systems.
    In 1969, we started with content targeting the business community within the electronics eco-system. Soon, we started engaging the DIY community, R&D professionals, design engineers, academicians, and budding engineers. Gradually, the CTOs, CEOs and managing directors started getting connected with us. Later, with launch of properties like EFY’s Electronics Industry Directory and Electronics Bazaar—we started connecting with B2B decision makers such as purchase and supply-chain professionals. Similar expansion of audience segments have happened within other eco-systems.
  3. We launched new channels to engage new audiences.
    We started with print publications (magazines). Then, we added directories. Then, came websites in 1996. In 2003, we launched events—conferences & seminars. In 2005, we made our websites dynamic, and added newsletter capabilities. In 2009, we launched social media communities on Facebook. In 2011, we launched a B2B expo. In 2012, we launched our LinkedIn pages. In 2012, we also launched ezine edition of our publications. In 2015, we launched Webinars. In 2016, we launched our YouTube Channel—TechDrive. In 2017, we launched our Instagram channel. And, there’s more to come.
  4. We expanded the geographic reach of our audiences.
    We started from India, and until 2010—we were primarily Indian centric. But, with increase in traffic on our websites and launch of social media communities—we started witnessing audiences from all across the globe. The launch of e-zines strengthened our global connect further. But, here—we did not target any specific geographies—it were the global audiences who engaged with us, depending on their interested. But, in 2017—we launched initiatives to specifically target and engage audiences from ASEAN (South East Asia) and ANZ (Australia & New Zealand) regions. Now, we are gradually increasing our reach across all English-speaking Asia-Pac nations.

And, with these new channels came new ways for marketers to communicate with our audiences

• Advertising in Magazines
• Advertising in Annual Directories
• Web Banner Advertisements
• Sponsorships & Booths at Conferences
• Sponsorships & Booths at Expo
• Web Banner Advertising on Websites
• Web Banner Advertising on News-letters
• Direct Mailing
• Email Marketing
• Social Media Posts & Promotions

But, starting 2014—we started to evolve from productised-marketing solutions to customised-marketing solutions, Customised Placements on Websites & Newsletters
• Customised Events & Workshops at our events
• Customised Content Development
• Content Marketing
• Impressions and Clicks-based Marketing solutions
• Design Contests
• Surveys & Quiz Contests

And in 2017—we announced our Response Guaranteed range of marketing solutions…
• Development of Social Media Communities
• Delegate acquisition for Events & Webinars
• Webinar Production & Management
• Event Production & Management
• Lead Generation

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