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Vision & Mission

Our vision is best described by our motto, “Technology Drives Us”

But that’s a very open statement! What does it mean? How does it define our vision? Let me explain…
This single statement conveys multiple messages.

  1. The fundamental belief that “anyone” who can use the ‘right technolgy’ for the ‘right purpose’ will benefit more than those who don’t. These “anyone” can be you, me, an individual, an organisation or even a nation. Thus, when we say “Technology Drives Us”, the “us” refers to anyone and everyone and the statement means that technology benefits all of us.

  2. As an organisation, this statement also reflects EFY’s passion for technology. Right from its inception when Mr Ramesh Chopra thought of launching an Indian “Popular Electronics” to promote technology in India, to the recent launch of our Facebook communities and events like Electronics Rocks–a common theme that binds us, is our passion for technology. In other words’ Technology drives “EFYians” or Technology Drives EFY.

Now, when you put these two meanings together–our vision starts to become clearer. Technology is a powerful resource. Right technology in the right hands can create a lot of benefits. We (EFY) are passionate about technology and love to share our knowledge.

So, if we can help more and more decision makers and influencers take informed decisions related to technology–then we would be contributing to a better world–a world where individuals, organisations and even nations can do more with less.

Given this vision, how do we convert that into our mission?

Mission Statement: Benefit 20 Million By 2020

We have set ourselves the target to reach out and assist 20 million (2 crore) people across the World, take more informed technology-related decisions. At end of 2020, we crossed the 5.1 million mark by end 2015, thanks to some great work by our print and online editorial teams. But they do have a very challenging target to achieve before end of 2020.