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A Study of Electronic Components, Hardware Market Manufacturing Output Study Including related Assemblies & Value Chain in India

ELCOMOS is a most comprehensive study of electronic components and equipment industry conducted in recent years and attempts to bridge a huge information gap which has plagued the growth of this segment.

The demand for electronics in the country is projected to increase from about USD 45 billion in 2009 to USD 400 billion by 2020. The growing market has provided us a huge opportunity but manufacturing needs a boost to reap the economic benefits. Electronic components are the building blocks for this industry. A strong electronic component manufacturing base requires high capital investments and a supportive eco-system. ELCOMOS Report has endeavoured to build a comprehensive database on existing indigenous production of electronic components and hardware manufacturing value chain in India. The Study also assesses the size and trends in Output and the Market for electronic components and assemblies as well as equipment by various sectors; it estimates the demand-supply scenario within the country vis-à-vis imports and exports and attempts to identify the future drivers and enablers for the industry.

Among others, the Report is a comprehensive compilation of:

• Overview of the Indian Electronics Industry and Industry Landscape
• Detailed data on 25 categories of Electronics Components including Integrated Circuits (ICs),
, Diodes, Transistors, LEDs, Wound Components, Capacitors, Resistors, PCBs, TV/Computer Picture Tube.
• Connectors, Speakers, Switches, Cables, Relays, Fuses, Optical Discs, Magnets and more….
• The Study also covers Raw Materials and Key Application Segments such as Telecom, Consumer, IT, Medical, Automotive as well as Electronic Manufacturing Services

Growth of Indian Electronics Components Market
Growth of Indian Electronics Components Market

The Indian electronic component market is dominated by electro-mechanical components (like printed circuit boards, connectors, etc.,) and passive components (like wound components, resistors, etc.). However, in recent times, the active components (like Integrated circuits, diode, etc.) and the associate components (like optical disc, magnets, RF Tuners etc.) have also witnessed significant growth…….